
Parenting and Politics

Parenting and Politics

Our society is seemingly struggling to accept the dialectic, which I am defining broadly as the ability to tolerate the truth of contradictory information. More simply put, two things can be true at the same time. In dialectical thinking, we can recognize and accept opposite ideas and reconcile them as both being true, rather than reject that which does not align with our thinking. Our political environment is a stark example of how binary thinking, this OR that, has created massive polarization and manifested in lack of civility of discourse.

I am not pretending to be able to influence the growing paradigm of the angry binary, rather, I want my clients to have the language to confront this in their own homes, with their own children. Ultimately, I am motivated to help parents feel empowered and more confident and I want them to have meaningful relationship with their children for life.

 So, how does all of this translate to talking to your kids about politics and why does it matter?